25+ Kindergarten Activities from Busy Toddler


These are the 25+ best kindergarten activities for learning at-home

Hands-on learning does not stop at kindergarten. Our “big kids” need hands-on interaction with learning just as much as toddlers and preschoolers – it’s actually CRUCIAL that they do. These Kindergarten Activities are the best at letting kids interact, play, move, and work with important learning.

Playful learning is so important for our 5-, 6-, and 7-year-olds.

Why do Kindergarteners need hands-on learning?

Kindergarten brains are still developing. Their hands are still growing. Asking them to work solely by pen and paper or computer screen is so far away from what they need developmentally.

They need to move.

They need to engage.

They need to be part of their learning.

These 25+ activities put the child back in the driver’s seat of their learning and give them a chance to truly be immersed in their learning – a dynamic approach far superior to working on a 2-dimensionaly sheet of paper.

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Make sure to read the Kindergarten standards too…

As you’re looking at Kindergarten activities to do with your child, it’s important to also familiarize yourself with the Common Core State Standards (US only).

These standards came out in 2010 and dramatically changed the expectations on children. While Kindergarteners were not born smarter than in the past, these standards believe they were.

Enjoy these 25+ Kindergarten Activities – and keep the hands-on party going

Literacy Activities

Write the Pantry – Find words in the pantry for each letter in the alphabet

Matching Objects to Words – Matching toys to written words

Hearing Sounds – Isolating the initial sound in words

Missing Sounds in Words – Finding the vowel sounds in CVC words

Sight Word Find – Finding sight words on a giant piece of paper

Giant Word Search Activity – Make a LARGE word search for your kindergartener

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Math Activities

Kindergarten Number Match – Post-it notes activity for numbers written in word, quantity, and equation.

How Many is 100? – Counting to 100 by 10s

Make Pattern Snakes – A patterning activity

Roll & Tally – A dice and statistics activity

LEGO Number Match – Using LEGO duplos to match numerals and quantities

Find the Equation – An addition matching activity

Sorting Coins – Sort coins into groups

Compare / WAR – The old card game

Hands-On Addition – Using egg cartons to show numbers and group into 10s and 1s

What is a Ten Frame? – Explaining and using a ten-frame to count

Dot Sticker Addition – Using dot stickers to show addition with objects

Add to 10 – Adding numbers 1-9 to

Greater than / Less than – Working with the greater than/less than equations

Introducing Addition – Using cards and objects to show groups combining

Ways to Make 10 – Finding ways to make 10

Sound Matching Sensory Bin – A sensory bin with a twist: find objects and match them to letter sounds.

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Other Fun Activities

Learn Your Phone Number – Teach your K their phone number

Big Kid Sensory Bin – A reminder that big kids need sensory too

Shape Art Activity – A fun painting activity with overlapping shapes

DIY Board Game – Let your child make their own board game

Kindergarten Activities are so important – our kids need them

Moving away from worksheets and screen-based learning is CRUCIAL for this age group.

Don’t let the toddlers and preschoolers have all the hands-on fun.

 SOURCE - https://busytoddler.com/2020/03/kindergarten-activities/


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